My Unspoken words
But I Don't want to miss u, even for a while,
Suhani and Ridhima were good friends . One day they were playing together. Suhani had a collection of marbles and Ridhima had some sweets. Suhani asked Ridhima to give her all the sweets in exchange of her marbles. Ridhima agreed . Suhani kept one large marble and gave rest to Ridhima. Ridhima gave all the sweets she had . They went back thier homes. That night Ridhima slept peacefully but Suhani could not sleep as she kept doubting if Ridhima had hidden some sweets from her.
If you give you 100 % in any relationship you remain peaceful and contented but if you dont you always kept doubting and remain restless..
I am powerless in your arms,
unable to think,
unable to move,
not wanting to breath
for fear that you will notice my presence
or suddenly become annoyed by it.
So I watch my footing carefully
when I step near you,
so as not to disturb you
and your quiet thoughts.
When I cry
I make sure I do it quietly,
so I won't wake you
from your well deserved sleep.
When I have a problem
I hold it in and listen,
because I know that you need
someone to listen to yours.
When you need me
I am always by your side,
to care for you
and dress your wounds.
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I have offered you all of me
and yet I sit idly by,
waiting for you to give something back,
to do anything that will show
that you love me in return.
Some say
the greatest pain in life is to be ignored.
Now I know
that the greatest pain in life
is to love.